A few Mondays back, I was invited by Lili Von Schtupp to attend her ultra fabulous MO
NDAY NIGHT TEASE (LA's Longest Running Weekly Burlesque Show)at The 3 of Clubs. It was a very special occasion, that I was thrilled to be invited to! One of my Favorite People in the whole wide world - The One and Only MZ SATAN'S ANGEL, was scheduled to twirl her flaming "Ta Ta's" for the last time ever in La La Land, before retiring to Australia.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with our beloved Angel, let me tell you a little bit about this very fascinating Temptress who happens to be a Legendary Burlesque Queen...
Satan's Angel began her burlesque career in 1961 in San Francisco. She toured with Bob Hope & the USO, appeared on the Gypsy Rose Lee television show, dated Clint Eastwood, Bobby Darin, Hedy Lamarr, and Janis Joplin, defied the convention of The Folies Bergéré in Paris, and worked with Ann Corio, Harold Minsky, Barry Ashton while running with The Rat Pack in Vegas. This Lady has some stories... Everyone who knows her is eagerly awaiting her memoirs!
Angel is true Burlesque STAR, who traveled around the world, known as Satan’s Angel -Her full moniker is, "Satan’s Angel, the Devil’s Own Mistress, Queen of the Fire Tassels." She is the QUEEN and ORIGINATOR of fire tassel twirling! She has performed this act for over 40 years, lighting her tassels approximately 25,000 times all over the world! In 2007, she won “America’s Most Outrageous Talent” award on The Maury Povich Show, & in 2009, Angel received the "LEGEND AWARD" for Life Time Achievement in Burlesque. After the annual Miss Exotic World Pageant, this weekend in Las Vegas, you can catch Angel in San Francisco on THE TA TA FLAMBE TOUR June 16-30, 2010.

In her own words, "The fire tassels was something I came up with after I talked to one of the dancers at the Moulin Rouge. Her name escapes me, but she was a little older, I was about 18 at the time and she was 35. I talked to her and she asked me “what do you do? What’s your thing?” And I said “I twirl tassels.” And she said “oh, they all do that, these days. You need something to stand out, honey, you need a gimmick!” And she was right, it wasn’t enough to just twirl tassels. There were girls out there who did that as well as one could, already. Like Tura Satana—who was, somehow, my competition—she would bend over backwards twirling her tassels. So I asked “What do you want me to do? Light the tassels on fire?!” And she said “Now, there’s an idea!